URBAN DEMOCRACY # 8     A Journal of International Debate       Una revista de debate internacional        ISSN 1617-8092

                                                                                                 -   PAGE  7 -




    Where are we headed

    if we don't change things?


                         ¿Dónde terminaremos si no cambiamos las cosas drásticamente



                 Wenn wir die Dinge nicht grundsätzlich ändern, wo werden wir dann landen?

      Global warming has repeatedly caused the most severe storms  -   Die globale Erwärmung hat wiederholt die schwersten Stürme verursacht  -

       全 球变暖一再引发最严重风暴  -  El calentamiento global ha provocado repetidamente las peores tormentas  -  地球温暖化は繰り返し最悪の嵐を引き起こしました

Para proteger el clima, la flora y la fauna de mi pequeño pueblo, poetas amigos han escrito poemas para proteger los árboles en peligro de extinción.

Algunos poemas están traducidos al inglés, alemán, chino u otro idioma.  


Gong Xiaohui

Ode to trees


   Woe unto you, people, if you don’t cherish

the splendid forest that brings about so much benefit for us.

Even if the strength of the people is growing,

just like an ant trying to shake a giant tree,  

at long last, the people will be defeated by nature.


The orange trees are as brilliant as gold in Qu Yuan’s eyes.

They have a quality of independence.

Their color and grace are comparable to the fragrance of flowers.

They are admired and emulated by kind and upright men.

Gracefully, the trees are going through so many ups and downs.

Still, they are extraordinary, of natural beauty, and unrestrained.

Their collapse is like that of the jade mountain,

Their sincerity shines together with that of the sun and the moon.


Trees and trees are isolated from each other,

like people who were born lonely.

But their roots are intertwined with love and with hatred.

They are born free and die with dignity.

They proudly face frost and snow, without hesitation.


In spring, our eyes are full of your green.

In summer, you offer a cool paradise to us.

The autumn wind graces you with your golden foliage.

In winter, you moisten the earth with fallen leaves, making it fertile.


And humans often forget your kindness,

Cut you down for an artificial paradise.

You then play the role of savior again,

Filling our eyes with your greenness,

Which squeezes out the clouds and wipes away the poison of the heart.

You tell man about integrity; to stand like a tree:

Noble and firm, upright and heroic.


[1] Qu Yuan. a famous poet in ancient China, has written a poem entitled Ode to Orange Trees.

[2] OR: In summer, you hold a cool paradise in store for us


Hannelies Taschau

Air for Breathing


In Sweden, in the Delary area

where the woods reach

up to the front doors

there is a stinking gift of a

Cellulose Limited Company that drove away

the birds

Trees are dying

the lake is dead and black

The colorful chairs in the gardens

stay empty

People sit in their beautiful homes

with the windows sealed

The employer is the Limited Company


In Delary, daughters and sons are now taking

their parents to court because of

neglected duty of care

after the Limited Company had not responded

to inquiries

Parents, they say, have not only the duty

to feed and clothe their children

to protect them from cold and rain to

send them to school

but also, to care for


future, for example


for breathing

The lawsuit has

still to be




Even the long rain of May

Has left it untouched -

This Gold Chapel

Aglow in the sombre shade.

                         tr. by Noboyuki Yuasa

Basho, by Hokusai

Wayne Pounds

Lines from Point Loma 

Point Loma, home to a number of military instillations and a military cemetery separates San Diego Bay from the Pacific.


dawn broken

the invisible owl





full summer

the tide in

my lover has black hair




the Bakufu faded

Perry from the black ship

raised his window shade




at the banquet politicos spoke

cucumbers gleamed with pleasure

greenbacks in a row




between red chaos

and blue routine

lives Thanatos




fear of the Asian horde

nervous pink nails

plough bleached blonde hair




men in love and war

Josuke beats his gong

Tojo rages at his sock




talking of tumult

we watch the manic

wrestle of the sea




flash--Truman takes Los Alamos

Jewish émigrés harness the sun

nuclear baby is born


pika-pika . . . DON




all that was left was 

three old jewels and the throne

the Emperor wept




sunburst on two cities

the sun’s own descendents

charred in the radiance




Amaterasu’s children

in her jewelled cities

danced the black dance





国破れて kuni yaburete

山河在り sanga ari

kingdoms fall

mountains and rivers remain




A thicket of summer grass

is all that remains

of dreams and ambitions

of ancient warrior

I caught a glimpse

of the frosty hair of Kanefusa

Wavering among

The white blossoms of unohana

                   Transl. by Noboyuki Yuasa

The High Mountains

The high mountains
           the wide sea -

The mountains as mountains,
          they will last

the sea as the sea
         will exist forever

An ephemeral being

is man, however -

         in his ephemeral existence

From the Man'yōshū  萬葉集 (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves)


 "L'art et la révolte ne mourront qu'avec le dernier homme."
                                                            Albert Camus

"Yellow Oranges and Green Tangerines" by Zhao Lingrang (趙令穰)

Gong Xiaohui




































Hannelies Taschau



In Schweden in der Gegend von Delary

wo die Wälder bis an die Haustüren


herrscht das stinkende Gift einer

Zellulose GmbH & Co KG die die Vögel


Bäume sterben ab

der See ist tot und schwarz

Die bunten Stühle in den Gärten

bleiben leer

Man sitzt im schönen Eigenheim bei

abgedichteten Fenstern

Arbeitgeber ist die GmbH & Co KG


In Delary klagen nun Töchter und Söhne

ihre Eltern an wegen

unterlassener Fürsorgepflicht

nachdem die GmbH & CO KG auf Anfragen

nicht reagierte

Eltern hätten nicht nur die Pflicht

ihre Kinder zu ernähren und zu kleiden

vor Kälte und Regen zu schützen zur

Schule zu schicken

sondern sich auch um Zukunft für sie

zu sorgen

etwa um Luft

zum Atmen

Über die Klage muß noch entschieden




Selbst der lange Regen im Mai

ließ ihn unberührt

diesen goldenen Tempel

Glühend im wehmütigen Schatten


Downtown Hiroshima in c. 1945 - before the bomb exploded

Wayne Pounds

Zeilen aus Point Loma

Point Loma, ort einer reihe von militäranlagen und eines militärfriedhofs, trennt die San Diego Bay vom Pazifik.



die unsichtbare eule

ruft hu-hu-hu





die flut, schon da

meine liebste hat schwarze haare




Das Bakufu verblasste

Perry vom schwarzen schiff

hat sein fensterrollo hochgezogen




Beim bankett sprachen politiker

gurken glänzten vor freude

dollarscheine in langer folge




zwischen rotem chaos

und blauer routine

lebt Thanatos




Angst vor der asiatischen horde

nervöse rosa nägel

pflügen durch gebleichtes blondes haar




Männer verliebt und im krieg

Josuke schlägt seinen Gong

Tojo ist wütend auf seine Socke




von Tumult sprechend

beobachten wir das manische

ringen der see




Ein blitzen--Truman erobert Los Alamos

Jüdische emigranten zähmen die Sonne

atomares baby, geborn


Pika-pika* . . . WUMM!




alles was übrig blieb warn

drei alte juwelen und der thron

der kaiser weinte




Sonnendurchbruch über zwei städten

der sonne eigenen nachkommen

zu kohle verbrannt in dem glanz




Amaterasus kinder

in ihren juwelenbesetzten städten

tanzten den schwarzen tanz





国破れて kuni yaburete

山河在り sanga ari

Königreiche fallen

Berge und flüsse bleiben


                              Dtsch. von AW

*  Jap.: Gleißend hell

Kimono pattern burned into skin by the heat wave of the nuclear explosion


Ein Dickicht aus Sommergras

ist alles was bleibt

von den Träumen, dem Ehrgeiz

alter Krieger

Ich erhaschte den Anblick

des frostigen Haars von Kanefusa*

das wehte zwischen

weißen Unohana Blüten

* Ein Gefolgsmann von Yoshitsune, der sich in hohem Alter noch in den Kampf stürzte

 Hokusai, Great Wave


as a permanent,


Contributions are welcome. If published by Urban Democracy, the copyright remains with the author(s).

URBAN DEMOCRACY is published and edited by the Urban Democracy Group.

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This issue was edited by guest editor Karen O. Wittstock

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