The Schemers

                            … the schemers!
                  Demanded that the protests should stop!
         And when the mediator, 
               an old man of the
                            “CHRISTIAN”, “CONSERVATIVE” PARTY
                  demanded a general halt, 
                                                          of everything, 
                        they agreed.
                     No tricks, please, the old one said.
                    AND THEN HE FACED THE MEDIA – 
                                                      the press…
                               Construction will be halted, he said
                                     No contracts will be awarded
                                   No trees felled, no part 
                                  of the remaining building demolished
                                          for as long as the talks go on.
                                               O yes, 
                                        the native people of America 
                                         have seen that game
                                   played a hundred, a thousand times – 
                                    the game of promises 
                                    made to be broken at once.
                                 And at once, in the morning news we learned
                                       that the old man’s achievement
                                             the “STOP OF ALL CONSTRUCTION” 
                                                  had been “STOPPED” . 
                                          THE TRICKSTERS FEEL 
                             THEY HAVE OBTAINED WHAT THEY WANTED.
                                           THE PEOPLE ARE READY TO TALK.
                                                 The people are tired of demonstrations
                                                           THEY THINK, 
                                                      Mappus and his likes.
                                                      MERKEL and the likes of her.
                                             People following in the tracks 
                                                                                      of tricky Dick.
                                           WILL THEIR DOWNFALL BE 
                                                                                   AS QUICK?

                                                                              Oct. 8, 2010

                  We Need Democracy

                                                 "I believe in the religion of love, 
                                            whatever direction its caravans may take, 
                                            for love is my religion and my faith." 
                                                                                  - Ibn Arabi

                       ...this morning
                  the delivery man 
              who brought
                                  cat food said
                    Nothing will ever change.
                No matter for whom we vote.
                    Up there, it’s a pig sty.
                  Those who inhabit it
                   will always be
                         the same kind.
              How many years ago, now
                that I heard the same sentiment
                      expressed by a young man
                   among the autoworkers
                      that were on strike in Bochum
                What happens, he asked me
                   if you turn a dung heap
                            upside down?
                    IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SIMILE – 
                      AND THAT IT’S ALWAYS
                    THE SAME SCUM 
                      PEOPLE SEDUCED BY POWER
                     PEOPLE WHO ELBOW THEIR WAY
                         TO THE TOP
                       WHO REDUCE ALL HOPES
                             TO NOUGHT
                   I was silent then, a young man
                  instinctively saying no to the trauma
                           of my father
                        a father so red, as a young man
                      so courageously resisting the Nazis
                        and then, betrayed
                       by his own comrades – 
                    O yes, men can be weak
                      they can be discouraged
                  they can turn so selfish if opportunities arise
                     And yet, I’ve never taken it to be true
                   the cynical saying of ROMAN rulers
                           the widom of their philosophers
                            homo hominem lupus
                      Man is but a wolve, preying on his own kind
                              DON’T YOU SEE, SISTER
                              DON’T YOU SEE BROTHER
                           THAT LOSS OF HOPE IS SELF-DEFEATING
                                       Wake up!
                                     Muster your strength!
                                     Have confidence in your integrity
                                      And reject
                                                       what attempts 
                                                                               to seduce you
                                  Riches. Power over others. Careers. Privilege.
                                          The answer to the eternal snares lies in
                                                   sisterly love
                                               We need no bosses
                                                   up there
                                          Not even those who SAY
                                            that they are on our side

                                                                    Oct. 8, 2010

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