The Law in Germany

The trees in Stuttgart
were legally protected
the train station in Stuttgart
under preservation order
Does both count
less than profit?
The federal railroad office 
told Germain Railways Incorporated
it was forbidden to fell the trees
to demolish the station
They wanted to check the plans first
Wanted to know what would happen
with all the animals in the park – 
a rare species of bats, among them
But quickly, at dead of night
they proceeded
Tore down a part of the old, protected building
Felled trees
Is it that the mighty ones 
are allowed to break the law?
But in cold blood
the violator of the law
invokes the law
                  The peaceful, defending
what is right and proper – 
the trees of their city
a historical building – 
they who wanted to protect life
against death – 
against forgetfulness – 
they are called professional demonstrators
by those in high places now!
Five year old kids
Kids just twelve
and their grandmothers
They insult them
They denounce as always
They are shameless
and their arrogance is so vast
that they warn the peaceful
not to be violent
while issuing orders
to club citizens
and to use violence
against the sit-in of pupils
the peaceful resistance of those
who follow the example of peaceful Ghandi
Yes, even grandmothers are attacked by them
with water hoses
and old men, with sprayed pepper
Hypocrites, they are 
Hypocrites and cynics
And preach to those whom they were beating
against violence

                       Oct. 5, 2010

                       In that September 

              in that September
                    when red was blossoming
           yellow and orange, in their glowing pride
               when wind was stroking leaves
                                so much amazed
                    and tenderly, the sun’s rays kissed
                            the last few bits of green
                  almost as if to say good-bye
                             in evenings 
                                     that were already cool
                       and filled with premonitions of the coming fall
                      in that month it was
                          when they came, the thiefs
                     and snatched away from us 
                           beauty’s reflection
                         and  took our  paradise away
                                hoping to leave
                                        no trace
                                      of such a place
                                that was so free already from the ugly
                         nor of our wish for such a land
                                     where batons
                                  hit no kids and love
                                          tomorrow, maybe
                                              would be found
                                             so new and free 
                                              to change the world
                                           making it better, more beautiful, too
                                                 so that mankind
                                                   would be more sisterly – 
                                               at peace among itself and with
                                                         Our Mother, Earth  

                                                                                 Oct. 7, 2010

                       That Night

                  That night they felled 
                the giant tree – 
                    They don’t respect its age!
                         Don’t see
                                          its beauty!
                At dead of night they came 
                   tore it out
                                     with the root system!
               tore it up high 
                        with its projecting branches!
                     Out of the midst of its brothers
                                  they took it!
                 They hope to create
                    a gap
                       a giant gap
                 in what surrounded it,
                    Yes, in that night
                    that cursed night
                   they came and took
                      the biggest of all
                     put it 
                 with branches trunk 
                                  all the roots 
                   into the violent shredder
                  As if nothing was to proclaim
                        its beauty
                                   its magnificent life
               O –  what’s dead 
                     is dearer to them
               and they hate the view
                                 of what is alive
                     Bringers of death they are
                       Fast bringers of death
                      Always in a hurry!
                   Always engaged in a hunt !
                         From the windows 
                       of their fast carriages
                        money for the dead is blown away*

                                                     Oct. 7, 2010

      * In ancient Greece, they put a coin in the mouth of the dead.
         In Taiwan today, taxi-drivers throw paper money printed especially for use
         by the dead out of the car window when driving fast on hazardous roads.
         They hope to pacify the ghosts. At a time when the global market 
         is extremely volatile and in turbulance, those responsible for the big
         corporations and their politicians burn dead money in other ways, quite
         in accordance with the spirit of capitalism – and it’s always life that is sarificed.

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