Other  links

This is a small, selected list of a few among the many websites which inform you about the peace movement and independent media in the U.S.A. and U.K.
Please let us know about other links that should be added here.

*    Not In Our Name

*    End the War.Org

*    PeacePledge.Org

*    AFSC  (American Friends Service Committee)

*    Creative Resistance

*    Campaign of Conscience / Iraq Peace Pledge

*    Veterans for Peace

*    War Resistance

*    NJ Coalition Against War in Iraq

*    The Fellowship of Reconciliation 
         - For A World of Peace, Justice and Nonviolence
*    Plowshare Peace and Justice Center

*    Peace Center of San Antonio, TX

*    Peace Arch Equestrian Center

*    Asian Pacific Center for Peace and Justice

*    Peace Action

*    Central Vermont PEACE

*    Iraq Peace Pledge - Chicago

*    WhyWar.Org

*    WinWithoutWar

*    Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice

*    Campaign Against Sanction on Iraq

*    Not In Our Name

*    Nonviolence.Org

*    New York Peace Center

*    MoveOn.Org

*    Peacecenter.Org

*    Washington Peace Center.Org

*    Dallas Peace Center

*    Portland Labor for Peace and Justice

*    Guild Law Center - For Economic and Social Justice 

*    Peace Council

*    Albany Labor for Peace / Boston Labor for Justice and Peace

*    Santa Cruz Peace Coalition

*    United for Peace

*    MoveOnOrg: Artists Say WinWithout War

*     Oxfam

*    ICUJP

*    Maryland United for Peace and Justice

*    Win without War

*    Alert ... for Peace and Justice

*    International Action Center San Francisco

*    International Answer Coalition (S.F.)

*    National Council of Churches (USA)

*    Maine Council of Churches

*    United Methodist Church: Struggle Towards Peace

*    Pax Christi USA

Independent Media

*    Pacifica    or     www.pacifica.org

*    War Times: "The First Casualty of War is Truth"

*    IPA - Institute for Public Accuracy

*    Houston Indymedia.Org

*    Alternet


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